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How to Beat Trump .


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Mr. Weber has a degree in Political Science from Loyola University of Chicago, and an MBA from the University of San Diego. He can be reached at:



Perjury and Populism is based on Eric Hoffer's seminal work about fanaticism and mass movements, which is both a prediction and a warning - a reminder that Donald Trump is an unwelcome danger, but not an aberration.


Trump's path to power is not unique. Decide for yourself if his technique is disturbingly similar to our 20th Century experience.


1919 - Hitler is appointed to the Propaganda section of the Army

1919 - Hitler joins the German Workers Party and claims that Jews are rapists and murders, and that they are polluting the blood and soil of the Nation

1920 - Hitler takes full control over the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) and conspires with his Lieutenants on ways to make Germany ungovernable

1923 - Hitler initiates a failed coup, but later claims that he is a victim of a Government orchestrated attempt to discredit him

1923 - Hitler is found guilty of Treason and is jailed

1923 - Hitler is romantically linked to his niece, Geli. She later commits suicide.

1923 - Hitler runs for the Presidency but loses

1928 - All Nazi party members take an oath of absolute obeisance to Adolf Hitler

1933 - Hitler comes to realize that he must destroy the system from within and proclaims that ‘Germany must be for Germans’

1933 - The Reichstag is attacked and destroyed by rioters

1933 - The Enabling Act is passed making Hitler a virtual dictator

1933 - Hitler withdraws from the United Nations

1934 - Hitler purges his party of dissent and abolishes the Presidency

1938 - Hitler expands the concentration camp system and begins the deportation of 20,000 Jews (Kristallnacht)

1939 - Hitler signs a peace treaty with Russia

1939 - Hitler invades Poland

EXCERPTS from Perjury and Populism

The Trump voter craves recognition but perceives that he is held with contempt. They are derided as being ignorant and uneducated because they often are. What is unsaid is that many are also often racist.

The modern American Christian has become in some ways isolated and scorned, and this has only served to reinforce their sense of isolation in relation to a wider America. It has also created the catalyst for their belief in Trump. Coastal American politics describes them as ignorant, easily misled, and corrupt. Guns and God seem irretrievably contradictory, but to the far right these ideas are the same, in that command and control over self and country is needed to protect the sanctity of the citizen and the faithful. The scorn levied on them by a more enlightened and educated America is what creates in them the uneasy conviction that the Trump program is an unavoidable necessity in their fight to actualize a moral America. To the Trump acolyte he offers them a welcoming incorporation of home and family, church and congregation, country and corporation, all in one far right megalith of God and Country.

The wrecking ball that Capitalist free market principles impose on the American cultural experience is particularly relevant to this individual. They feel completely helpless in the face of its often harsh reconfigurations of product, process, and materials. To lend a hand to the displaced is sometimes referred to as Socialist, but ideas of Comparative Advantage and free market principles are irrelevant to the insecure worker.

The modern mind associate’s fascism with evil. But fascism is a variation on a theme of autocratic control, and as such it is not a unique political construct, but one rather that has adopted the trappings of technology (propaganda) to foster control and limit entitlement.

For the Trump follower freedom is a burden, and they will gladly relinquish it in the name of liberty, law, and order. This renunciation of choice is what Trump craves.

Money is not free speech. Money in politics invalidates the voice of those who do not have it. Public Service is not for profit. No wonder the Trump voter rejects Harris and the Republican old guard. Every Representative, Democratic and Republican, is to some degree complicit.

Fairness of social benefits and tax structure is what will increase participation in the voting process. If this had pre-existed in a meaningful way, Trump would never have evolved to the position of influence he currently enjoys.

Capitalism fosters a reorientation of inputs, and when that input is Labor this creates magnified levels of insecurity generating waves of psychological distress. Obviously this is a field ripe for demagogy.

Propose, from the White House, the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Museum. Move every statue and painting of every slave owner and supporter of slavery and segregation into this building. Propose that every politician who supported the Indian Wars, and the genocide of the Plains Indians, also be considered for inclusion. Can you imagine the impact? The nation would dissolve into a paroxysm of gratitude and outrage. The courage Harris would exhibit in making such a proposal would ring throughout history. It would restore faith internationally in the idea of America. It would demonstrate that we are truly a shining beacon of hope and promise. More importantly, it would be the right thing to do.

Americans vote based on haircut styles and slogans. A vote can be more easily relinquished based on a joke or insult than it would in terms of the quality of a candidate’s character, experience, or devotion to duty. The marketing prowess of a campaign determines impression of Character. This sorry state is further corrupted when money remains the primary motivator in politics. Candidates who can attribute their success more to advertising than to the informative quality of their position attracts the worst of America to public office.

What must be done is to attack the man himself. Show him to be the clown he is. Call in to question his conception of himself as a Savior. Strip away his persona and reveal him to be the wrinkled and impotent man that he undoubtedly is. Loosen his grip on his electorate. His voters associate themselves with him to bolster the image they have of themselves. If Trump is revealed to be loathsome, the ugliness of his character will induce his voters to feel a revulsion for him - the flip side of Love. This will engender a rejection of his persona as an example to be imitated.​

Fear breeds hate. Want breeds fear. When you realize something you want badly is beyond your grasp your fear turns to hate, and hate is the most powerful of all emotions because Hate can be easily rationalized by Pride, the deadliest of all sins because it is used to rationalize all of the others. Pride is an excessive love of self. Taken to an extreme it is a loss of respect for your neighbor. Pride involves an inflated sense of self-importance, an excessive focus on oneself, and a failure to acknowledge one's dependence on God. With humility comes wisdom. With Pride comes ignorance, and if you read the Bible, wrath, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and sloth. The Old Testament cautions, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). These are the qualities exhibited by a Populist, characteristics that render them singularly unfit for office.

The Trump supporter is not an informed voter. They are not inclined to research and confirm his character and policy. In this way the Trump voter is immature, and highly vulnerable to freelance authorities. This becomes all the more pronounced in those individuals who strive to escape from a conception of self in which they believe themselves to be personal failures deserving of condemnation. Because the Trump voter lacks resourcefulness they can be easily deceived, and this constitutes both a strength and weakness for Trump. This is why Trump uses hate to isolate his supporters. It is the disrespect he breeds for his opposition that separates his base from the rest of America, which is why Democrats must work to generate contempt for the Man, not his policies.

The First World War and the Versailles Treaty laid the foundation for the creation of National Socialism. To a lesser extent America’s involvement in endless wars of attrition and its waste of National Treasure paved the way for Trump. This outward focus has distracted us from pressing national issues and has reallocated our resources to unattributable benefits. Whatever advantage accrued to America by its endless participation in foreign wars is no longer tangible in terms of reward. That investments in the benefits of social programs have been foregone is a travesty bordering on tragedy, and has provided the basis for the creation of the cartoon parody that is Trump. In this way he is an accident of the American political experience. To remove him from the stage will require refocusing our resources on the needs and priorities of the populous, starting with a removal of the influence of money in politics.

His diatribes make no sense, and because they have no basis in fact they cannot be assailed with fact. The only response that can be used to counter his frequently inane comments is that they are untrue, that they are lies, and that there is no evidence that these accusations exist in reality. At that point the argument simply trails off into incredulity, while Trump is left with the bulk of his statements intact. This is why the man himself, not his argument must be attacked. To the extent his image is weakened, his misrepresentations will begin to destabilize. Trump is an incongruity of alternate facts. These contradictions infuse his personality and as such leave him singularly vulnerable to character deconstruction. Market his personality as an incredulous exposé on the stupidity of the man himself.


What we need to remember is that Trump takes criticism personally. If he feels overlooked, this stimulates his baser emotions. Attack this Achillies heal of his personality, and he will turn apoplectic.

The ominous implication is that a militarized America would be transformed into an immense weapons workshop – an Arsenal of Autocracy. Religion and militarized nationalism will merge and take on an irresistible urgency of action, which will threaten civilizations and transform into a revised conception of American Manifest Destiny.

America has and will continue to benefit from the restorative benefits of immigration. It renovates us economically, culturally, and now technologically. In many ways immigration has prevented this nation from stagnating. Diversity is our great strength. This is why it is all the more understandable that as Middle America has deteriorated, the divergence we are experiencing is not between urban and rural or working class and upper class, but instead is a widening gap that is caused by the dynamism and creative explosion of possibilities that has transformed what it means to be a worker in America. That small town America has been left to deteriorate and forced to reinvent itself now provides an opportunity for us to change our perspective and endeavor to stabilize the phenomenon that is America into a more inclusive experience that provides for all.

The case against Donald Trump must be prosecuted aggressively. He is a draft dodger and a traitor. If he is not incarcerated, he must at a minimum be rejected as being singularly unfit for office. Break the Republican Party free from its extremist complacency. Hard working men and women who are the backbone of the American economic miracle were once an important part of the Democratic experience. They can be so again.​



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